Climate Change Solution Essay

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Climate change has been a big problem in this world today. It is only getting worse by the day. The effects are causing the Earth to be much polluted. James Hansen had the privilege to speak twice to the president 's climate task force. However, energy policies continued to focus on finding more fossil fuels. Climate changes have many different effects on the Earth. Gasses like CO2 absorb heat acting like a blanket warming the Earth’s surface. Adding CO2 reduces Earth’s heat radiation to space so there is a temporary energy imbalance. More energy is coming into the Earth than going out. One of these problems is that there is more creation of drought-prone regions in North America and Asia. An important impact, if global warming does not end, …show more content…

Now that scientist are able to measure Earth’s energy imbalance precisely by measuring the heat content in Earth’s heat reservoir. Earth’s ocean energy is going to melt all the ice in the oceans. The total energy imbalance now is about six-tenths of a watt per square meter. Precis measurements by the gravity satellite have revealed that both Greenland and Antarctica are losing mass each year. The rate has accelerated since the measurements began nine years ago. Methane is also beginning to escape from the permafrost. Another piece of evidence is that fifty years ago, anomalies covered only two- to three-tenths of one percent of the land area. In recent years, they now cover about 10 …show more content…

If the use of fossil fuels does not decrease this planet that we live on is only going to get worse and worse as time goes on. There are so many things that us humans can do to help decrease/stop global warming. One of the things we can do is move our thermostat down 2° in winter and up 2° in summer. Another reason to help stop global warming is to start recycling at home. A big one that many people should do is reduce the number of miles people drive by walking, biking, carpooling or taking mass transit wherever possible. Which you can also carpool to different places with someone. With the help of a bunch of different people, we could help end global

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