Classical Myth In John Updike's The Centaur

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John Updike’s book, The Centaur, has taken the classical myth of Chiron the minotaur and put it into a different setting in the United States. Instead of Olympus, Greece as the setting, Olinger high school in Pennsylvania is used as a parallel. The setting is just one of the many examples of parallels in John Updike’s book, mainly regarding the characters. The most obvious of the parallels, the parallels between characters used in The Centaur and classical myth, are seen in the first protagonist, George Caldwell and second protagonist, principal Zimmerman. John Updike uses George Caldwell as a parallel to Chiron the centaur. For example, when George was talking to Venus, or Vera who is Hummel’s wife, she described the body of Chiron who

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