Class Size Thesis

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Isabell McMahon
Mrs. Zdenek
Language Arts
Argumentative prompt
Does a class size have an impact on education?
The sounds of writing, keyboards typing, students reading. This is what a classroom should be like but if there too many students then there will be laughter, people moving around, and learning just will not be happening. Students can hide in the back, get distracted easily by there friends, or not understand the teacher due to a language barrier. If this happens then students will not be getting the education that they go to schools to get. We should make sure students are getting the best education that they can.
When a teacher has a big class they mainly focus on the front because they can't see the back or are too focused on the troublesome kids. This can give the kids in the back a chance to slack off and not pay attention. In source one or "Everyone knows students learn more in smaller classes, or do they?" Finn says "Students behave better and get more involved when they can't hide in the back of the classroom." Getting involved in the class will allow the students to be able to answer questions on the material in an instant. This is a good skill to have incase you need to …show more content…

Many people who come to the United States speak a different language and are not able to communicate with others. As a teacher it can be very stressful to have to constantly make sure that a student is understanding the lesson. In "Does class size matter. " Christine Wong says "Because the great majority of our students do not speak English at home, our school prided itself on keeping class sizes as low as possible" If students are not able to understand a teacher then having a lot of classmates to distract them will not help. Many students have this problem and with such an easy fix you would think that schools would have made classes smaller a long time

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