Class Inequality In Public Administration

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The founders feared the threat of a unitary government and adopted a federal system of government. The Constitution is vague and uncertain on how the responsibilities and roles should be assigned among the levels of government (Stillman, 2009). As a result, the public administration field management process is somewhat generic and inadequate. The founders didn’t allow for the difference time would make and how it would affect political characters, ethical values, policies and laws, and organization design (Green, 2002).
The founders also wanted social equity to be a core value in public administration. In the past few decades, social equity has become more important in public administration, but the reality is Americans are less equal in all manners of life. Racial and class inequality and injustices remain a problem for lawmakers and public administrators (Frederickson, 2005). …show more content…

The irony is that by leaving these details for future leaders to work out, the founders have allowed for the opposite of what they wished for in public administration. Although public administrators have done a world of good, there is so much more to do, the founders had a fear of big government which caused them to leave open interpretation and room to change in the constitution, but by not giving us specific direction to develop upon their wisdom, our country has largely failed in this

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