Civil War Abolitionists

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The American Civil War The North thrived with industrialization and a great influx of people who came from other countries. Unlike the North the South’s economy depended on the production of cotton plantations. So naturally the North didn’t require a slavery but this didn’t mean that all northerners believed in racial equality. They just didn’t need slavery in order to survive like the south The relative roles addressing abolitionists and slavery was that abolitionists pushed for the emancipation of slaves in america. The issue with this was that although advocates for the removal of slavery there were moderate slavery advocates and free soil advocates within the abolitionist community. Moderate slavery advocates wanted gradual emancipation which basically means that eventually all slaves in all states would be emancipated but not right away. The free soil abolitionists fought to restrict slavery in the states where it was legal and prevent expansion across the U.S. As you could imagine this contributed to the animosity that was already brewing between Northern and Southern states leading up to the Civil War. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 …show more content…

Both states entering as free states would throw the balance the Union already had going on, one free state for one slave state. So to keep the Southern states satisfied congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska acts. This act repealed the Missouri Compromise that said people living in the 2 states would get to vote on whether they would be slave states or not. When people from Missouri snuck their votes in to make the states slave states, the tensions between Southern and Northern states got even worse. A violent war broke out in Kansas between abolitionists and people who supported slavery. This of course added to the heated tensions that were already

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