Civil Disobedience: The Boston Tea Party, The US Civil Rights Movement

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The definition of civil disobedience is the refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or government policy, characterized by the employment of such nonviolent techniques as boycotting, picketing, therefore nonpayment of taxes. Civil Disobedience is a type of action that involves the public following an important figure trying to forewarn the authorities of the intended action they plan on bringing change to certain laws or government policies. Anyone who participates or encourages others in civil disobedience are willing to accept the legal consequences of their actions. Throughout history, civil disobedience has proved to be an important mechanism for social change furthermore has helped impact societies and governments. The Boston Tea Party, the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, the Suffragette Movement, led by leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks are all an example in acts of civil disobedience. …show more content…

The tone or attitude of a person can lead to an outright movement that can lead other people to join in on. Late August of 2012, Spanish mayor Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo had recently led farmers on a supermarket sweep, allowing people to raid local shops for food campaigning against austerity and ignoring government demands for budget cuts and refuses to implement evictions and lay-offs. This type of civil disobedience includes an era of austerity, allowing disrespect for the law encouraged by other citizens, and capacity to disrupt a town, city, or

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