Citizen Engagement In Halifax Regional Municipality

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Why citizen engagement is important for the future of transportation in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Citizen engagement is a process where individuals can participate and delegate public actions and decisions. It integrates the public and allows communities to have a role in policy making. Engagement of citizens is particularly important in regards to aspects of the municipality such as transportation within the Halifax Regional Municipality, HRM. This system directly affects the daily lives of the individuals who live here, so it is important that they can voice their opinions to get what they want out of this system. When discussing the topic of sustainable transportation for the HRM it is vital that included in the decisions of this …show more content…

Lately, there is a decrease in the trust of governments and their decisions and it is time to change this back. As Jane Jacobs writes in her book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961), “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” Her argument being, that citizens who are engaged in activities contribute to cities vitality and without vitality, a city loses its sense of place and priorities. In terms of transportation it is time for citizens to set and get the priorities of local transit and transportation issues back into the public’s interest. Regardless of the mode of mobility, local transportation is built to be used and utilized by the general public and not detested and neglected. If people of Halifax want more bike lanes for a faster commute, or bus only lanes on the roads it is up to local governments to listen to these requests. Society plays an important role in political processes and it is time to re-demonstrate that role. As citizens we have to take the time to learn how our government functions, just as governments also have a responsibility to their citizens to allow for this …show more content…

In Speth’s book, The Bridge at the Edge of the World he quotes Benjamin Barber who said “Political consciousness begins in the neighborhood”. This is the idea of bottom up approach, starting at a small scale and through continuous involvement creates a significant impact at the top. By starting with small groups sharing values we share a sense of place. There are many types of communities; geographical, functional, communities of interest, but all concern an individual and collective wellbeing (Klein, 2014). It is this concern that will set the stage for the best transportation option for Halifax. Choosing to participate and being engaged as a community will allow for the exchange of knowledge and create resilience. As Paulo Freire emphasizes in his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed (2000), each person is included in the vision of creating a new and better society. This is the type of idea that will allow for public participation and community collaboration to collectively come together and show and fight for what is best for the health of the communities that make up this city. A healthy community is a happy community and in terms of transportation this must be

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