Citizen Complaints In The Police Department

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In today’s society people file citizen complaints on anything and everything, whether it is worth the complaint or not. A citizen complaint is the action taken by a citizen to bring the attention to a police department so they can take action or inaction that the citizen considered to be contrary to law, proper procedure, good order, or in some manner prejudicial to the citizen, the Police Department, or to the country as a whole. Citizen complaints help the police make the community a safer place for everyone. Sadly, these days, a lot of citizen complaints are filed against police officers or departments. How many of those filed complaints are actually true. False complaints are a real thing but they are not very common. Our society needs to be educated on the law so we can avoid these issues. For the citizen complaint process to properly work, people need to be informed on how to submit one. Also why are citizen complaints filed on police more often than other things. Even though there is a lot of complaints filed on police there are people that will not file complaints on police because they are too scared. There is a lot of factors that could go …show more content…

A false complaint is rare but, it does happen. False complaints are usually filed against police officers themselves. There is a bill that’s does criminalize people who file false complaints against cops. Each state has a different punishment for false accusations. In Texas, if someone are found guilty, they can be fined 4,000 dollars or be sentenced up to one year in jail. There is also the possibility that they could have to pay a fine and go to jail. Filing false complaints is not okay, but when false complaints are filed against police it makes it harder for them to get out that situation. The media gets involved and then the whole country knows about the officer did, even if the officer was doing it to protect himself/

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