Cinco De Mayo

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When you look outside and you realize that its time to revert back to your roots then you are ready to begin living simply. This doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg and its something that, over time, will become somewhat a second nature. Whether you enjoy buying organic or you just realize that things these days are just getting more expensive, you are bound to find some of the below options to be useful. Grow Your Own This is age old. you plant seeds into the grown, you water them, watch them grow, then reap the benefits. While its not really realistic to think that you can grow enough to live on year round it is a good idea to plan ahead and think about what you consume most often. If you enjoy cucumbers in salads and pickles from …show more content…

It includes festive parties, games, dancing, and food. There are no official foods or activities associated with Cinco de Mayo, but traditional Mexican and "Tex-Mex" dishes are popular, such as tacos, burritos, and enchiladas. Beer is often served, including the popular Corona brand. Traditional colorful Mexican dresses, suits, and hats may be worn, and in Mexico, dancers and Mariachi bands perform in the streets for reveling party-goers. Laughing children break open piñatas for the candy hidden inside. Cinco de Mayo parties are tons of fun, but all the decorations and foodstuffs can be expensive. How can you have a great Cinco de Mayo fiesta without breaking the bank? Here are ten ways to save money on Cinco de Mayo party supplies: 1 Choose an Inexpensive Menu Any dish with Mexican or Tex-Mex flair is perfect for Cinco de Mayo, and many of these foods are also very cheap. Stay away from dishes with expensive meats like ground chuck or steak. Cheap ground beef, fish, and chicken are more than adequate. Flour or corn tortillas, tortilla chips, beans, rice, salsa, and inexpensive cheeses provide you with plenty of options for a variety of festive dishes. 2 Limit Use of Decorations It will be a little boring, but if you're really tight on cash, forego the use of decorations, and focus on the food. Cinco de Mayo is about community. Food and community go together like a hand and glove, so it should be the …show more content…

The stock market continues to crumble and banks continue to fail. The question you have is, "What's gong to happen to me?" What happens to you depends on what you are willing to do now. The first thing you should do is decide to save money. For most people saving money is only possible by cutting expenses. The economy is going to force most companies to cut back on costs and if major corporations have to do this, you should as well. Jobs are in decline in the United States. No need to blame any political party. Blaming someone isn't going to keep you with a roof over your head and off welfare. Your financial future is in your hands. Here are a list of things you can do today to save money and put yourself in better shape to endure the financial storm that is coming your way. 1. Cut back on eating out The average person eats ninety meals per month. Those who eat out twenty-five times a month are spending at least one $125.00 if you figure five dollars per meal from the value menu. If you are one who frequents the more trendy restaurants you can triple that amount. And, for two people double that amount. It is easy to see that a large portion of your income is going to eating out. Say, in the neighborhood of four hundred dollars a month. The best way to save money is to eat at home even if you buy more expensive cuts of meat. 2. Reduce your cable selection Do you ever watch HBO? Really? Those movie channels and all those sports channels

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