Cicero As A Leader Analysis

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A Leader is like the rubber-band that holds together branches. While one is easy to break, multiple branches with rubber-band together is more difficult . And strong leadership lead their army or country forward. Strong leader process, critical thinking, understanding, willing to defend what they believe; And he or she also need to be convincing. Cicero was a strong leader, because he was an excellent public speaker, intelligent, and he was willing to defend his point of view. Cicero was a strong leader because he was an excellent public speaker. In order to be a strong leader, it's important to be able to convince people. And one of the most important way is through public speaking: He defended an amazingly diverse clientele, dealing with the issue of slaves (pro Q. Roscio comoedo in 76), inheritance (pro Caecina in 69), citizenship (pro Archia in 62), and bribery (pro Cn. Plancio in 54), as well as causes such as the Catiline Conspiracy, which he attacked in four speeches in November of 63. He also countered Caesar's command in Gaul in 56 and, of course, directed the Philippics at Marc Antony in 43.(Bunson). Strong leader need to be able convince people, and made other believe the idea he or she believe. Cicero public speaking made the public more supportive of her. Cicero was a great leader because he is …show more content…

A leader need to be able to stand with their own political point of view. They can not change their beliefs because of they are scared: He was opposed to Caesar and was exiled through a bill of Clodius in 58 BCE. He was reconciled with Caesar but supported his assassination, and delivered a series of speeches (the Philippics) to the Senate against Antony in 44 and 43 BCE. Cicero deeply oppose some political point of he disagrees, and because he oppose of Caesar idea, he have been in exile for twice.(Bunson) A strong leader, would defend and fight for what he think is

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