Chromosomes In The Grapes Of Wrath

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X and Y Chromosomes are the ones at fault in the end. Male and Female, one has XX chromosomes the other has XY. Both getting assigned roles with their sex. Steinbeck known author challenged literature and gender roles in 502 pages in a novel called The Grapes of Wrath. “…women came out of the house to stand beside their men-to feel whether this time the men would break” (Steinbeck 3). In the beginning of The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck describes the terrible fate the country folk face during the Dust Bowl in the 1930’s. Women come out to support their husbands even if it is just standing next to them. Further in the text the women wait for the men’s expression to know if they would be alright, to see if they could survive another day. Men …show more content…

Symbiosis, “biology: the relationship between two different kinds of living things that live together and depend on each other” (Merriam-Webster). Both organisms benefitting from one another and thriving. Male and female can be viewed the same, one is not more important than the other. In the Joad family both sexes have their fair share of work. Women do the house work and care for the kids and the men bring in a steady income. Yet, a relationship is not always fifty percent effort on both parts, sometime one has to put seventy even ninety percent effort. Throughout The Grapes of Wrath Ma Joad was the strong leader when Pa Joad faulted changing the family structure. Pa Joad redeems himself by showing valiant effort to protect his family when making a dam during a flood. Both showing best interest to keep the family together in their own way. Steinbeck challenges the typical character archetypes throughout his literature. Women are not automatically labeled the damsel in destress that need to be saved. Men are not necessarily the Heroes doing the saving either. Rose of Sharon character evolved in many ways, starting off as Star-Crossed lovers with Connie, damsel in distress when he left the family and finally into a mix of Earth Mother and Platonic Ideal when saving a sick man in a barn. Tom Joad assuming the role as hero in the beginning or returning young man but falls into the role of the outcast

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