Christmas Season

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During the holiday season, it is easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas. As cliché as this may sound I find it to be very truthful. There seems to be a lot of pressure put on regular everyday average Americans, to celebrate, share the good will and get that perfect gift for that special some one in your life. Possibly your lover, mother or brother. Each year the same trend seems to be followed. September and October roll around and the season begins to change. The trees color turn light red and yellow as they begin to loose their leaves. The temperature drops and it is soon October 31st, Halloween as we all know. A fun tradition that all enjoy participating in. Children dress up in costumes and run from door to door trying to spread cheer and collect as much sugary candy as possible. As fun as it all seems we all know what the true meaning of Halloween is and it is to prepare you for Thanksgiving.

At the same time pumpkins are being carved and candy is purchased, turkeys and Thanksgiving decorations are set up across department stores, grocery stores, and convenience stores nationwide. Once November is finally here, we are all ready bundled up in sweaters with turkey's thawing in the kitchen sink, and football being viewed on television sets across America. Keeping the family together for what is only dinner. No tree, no presents, just thanks and giving, for family friends, health, or what ever you may be thankful for. The day after Thanksgiving, is consider by many as "Black Friday", dreary as it may sound, Black Friday is the largest Christmas shopping day of the year. It is on this day that all hell seems to break loose and will continue its reign until January is here.

Christmas is recognized as he day that Jesu...

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...umanity? Where is the good will toward men? All though the times have changed and Christmas isn't the same as It's a Wonderful Life or Miracle on 33rd Street brilliant magical events are still possible. Christmas is still a warm time of year, whether you celebrate the holiday or not, there is still that feeling in the air. It may be colder, but remember to stay warm for the health of your body and soul. Keep family and friends close, sing a Carole, drink hot chocolate, take a minute to look at the lights on the houses and just enjoy. Even with all the plastic elements of the seasons still in existence we all know what this time of year is about. We all celebrate and perceive in different ways. Christmas will always stay dear to children and adults a like, and it's a

wonderful excuse to vacation and relax before the Baby New Year pokes his head around the corner.

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