How The Holiday Is Holy Days Or Horror Days

1417 Words3 Pages

Debrah Wright
Pre-AP English II-1
14 May 2014
Holidays: Holy Days or Horror Days
Shining lights, tasty treats, family coming in and pinching children's cheeks, the joy of gifts and the thrill of giving -- all these things are what can be expected during the holiday seasons. Grandma is cooking in the kitchen as you are sitting on the floor and staring inquisitively at the mesmerizing tree. Only one thing, though, is truly on your young mind, the multicolored themed wrapped up boxes beneath its dark pine branches. You think back to the other holidays where you received prizes and were allowed freedom. Like that one Halloween the first time you went as a makeshift sheet ghost. Appreciating the cool autumn air as it lead you into the night then greeting every welcoming person with a candy bowl with "trick or treat"! Possibly even reliving that one fateful February day where your first crush snuck you a chocolate kiss and a bright red card entailing the cliché poem involving violets and roses. You never question the origin of these days and yet you still reveled in the fun. Holidays show the truth behind what humans may think as sacred, traditional and what is important to their natural culture and life styles. Holidays also give people the opportunity to "blow off steam" and have something to look forward to in the simplistic patterns of living in a routine daily life. Holidays are shown as major rites and customary influences of ritualistic comfort throughout having annual celebrations. However, beneath the veneer of fun and celebrations these holidays , Valentines Day, Halloween, and Christmas, lies a sinister history that needs explored.
Today, February fourteenth represents a day of love, adoration, and true commitmen...

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...excuse for materialism. Companies use holidays as a get rich quick operations, manipulating the ideas of giving. "Today, the holiday [Valentines] is big business: According to market research firm IBIS World, Valentine's Day sales reached $17.6 billion last year; this year's sales are expected to total $18.6 billion" ( Siepel). Every year holidays seem to get more important to our economy and our own pockets and people forget to ask the questions of true importance. The questions that will lead to the truth. Behind every holiday there is a reason and a long past of stories and fictitious tales, and looking at them in the lime light shows the true nature of humans. The choice to accept the dark past and continue with the jolly festivals must be made. Knowing the truth of these holidays has lead to an insight on the past and can influence todays choices.

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