Christians Response to Abortion and Euthanasia

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Christians Response to Abortion and Euthanasia

Abortion, the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb, is

considered a sin and is forbidden in Roman Catholic Christian

religion. The Roman Catholic Christians (RCC’s) are very strict and

some would not even consider it if the mothers life was in danger.

Christians believe that you have to have faith in God and you have to

except the life you are given. In Christianity the unborn child is

considered human even at the very early stages of life, as in the

embryo or foetus, and life is a gift from god that is not yours to

take away. In Britain abortion used to be a crime but in 1967 MP David

steel introduced a bill to the House of Commons, which became the

abortion act of 1967. This act was amended in 1990 and applies to the

whole of the UK except for Northern Ireland. The law in the UK says

that an abortion can be preformed up to the end of the 24th week of

pregnancy if two doctors agree to it.

Some Christians believe that abortion is an option only in the most

extreme circumstances, such as rape and incest, and if having the baby

would affect the mental or physical well being of the mother.

Christians might also accept abortion if the family of the unborn

child could not cope and give the baby the basic necessities. However

Christians along with the churches have come up with away around this

circumstance, they have set up charities and homes for children that

cant be looked after by their parents. The orphans can also be put

into foster care or be put up for adoption. Even though this is a long

process, it is a much better way than killing the unborn child.

Abortion is always the last resort for Christians.

We can always talk about Christians in general and what they would do

if they had the choice between an abortion and going ahead with the

pregnancy, but we need to

Consider the personal effects of abortion.

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