Christianity Vs Islam Research Paper

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Both Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions in the world. Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic faiths that worship the God or Allah. They share a common belief in the coherence of God (monotheism), sacred history (history of God’s activity and the encounter of God between humankind), prophets, heaven and hell, scriptures, angels, and Satan. Both religion accentuate on moral responsibility, Judgment Day, and revelation. Christianity have faith that God exposed himself in order to redeem us and to save us but according to Islam, on the other hand, revelation is not for redemption, but for the purpose of guidance. The two faiths emphasize their divine covenant with God, for Christianity through Jesus, and Islam through Muhammad. …show more content…

and both religions believe in virgin birth.
Despite these momentous similarities, the two religions also have a number of differences as well. Nowadays, most Christians believe in the Trinity, meaning that God exists in three forms with is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost/ Spirit. While in Islam, Trinity is utterly rejected as Jesus is neither God, nor Son of God but a human prophet and Muslims worship only God himself. Muslims believe that each human being can be called the son or daughter of God because they were created by God. Therefore, there is nothing superior or divine about Jesus being called son of God and hence Jesus should not be worshiped. The sacred scripture of Christians is the Holy Bible and on the other hand the sacred scripture of the Muslims is the Holy Quran. The Christians believe that Jesus died by crucifixion following resurrection. In contrast, the Muslims believe that Jesus did not die, but ascended into heaven during crucifixion. The concept of means of salvation in Christianity differs as some believe that salvation is held through prayer and faith only in Jesus Christ and others believe that baptism or other ordinances are necessary. One must accept Jesus in to their heart and be

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