Christianity And Islam Argumentative Essay

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Judiasm, Christianity, Islam.. are all examples of what? Religion. It is easy for us to come to the conclusion that religion is the leading cause of most conflicts that have taken place or are taking place even today. This is not entirely true. Yes some aspects surrounding religion have played a role in some of the previous historical warfare’s and the most recent flare of modern day terrorism. But think about it... Is it religion itself that causes these conflicts or is it certain people’s interpretations of it that lead to these violent outcomes? Though many would prefer to solely blame religion, other non religious factors have further influenced these as well. As humans we always have to find an answer as to why these events take place and religion seems to be a fallback in providing us with this solution.
It can be powerfully motivating and when interpreted
However the Qur’an never once states that killing innocent people over political debates and the rights of women in these third world countries is acceptable. But as you can see regardless of this the Taliban took a murderous approach in order to make a stand against what they believe in, using what they believe were their rights given to them by the readings in the Qur’an. Although this is an extreme case it goes to show the extreme lengths people are willing to go to in order to gain power by shutting others off. Which further shows that Religion can be a helpful cover and be a powerful motivator for the evil- hearted. Most importantly the fact that religions effects on society can be so broad, really says more about human psychology than it does about religion. As quoted by David Hart,” Religious conviction often provides the sole compelling reason for refusing to kill... Or for seeking peace... the truth is that religion and irreligion are cultural variables but killing is a human

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