Christianity And Government Essay

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Christianity and the Government

Living in a society where democracy is upheld, I have viewed the government as a mechanism of the State through which the latter’s will is formulated, expressed, and carried out. The government is responsible in making the society a better place to live as it provides for the basic services to its constituents and protecting and advancing the interests of the same. However, I have always thought what type of government the Jews had way back then compared to how the 21st Christians associate themselves with their government. Do they choose to be loyal to God over their government? If in any case Christians do not agree with how they are being ruled, could they rise up against their government and be justified when they claim that their supreme authority is God and nobody else? These are just some of the things I have pondered upon as I reflect upon Christianity and the government.

Government under the Old Testament

From what I have learned in the teachings of the church, Israel was governed by a King who is …show more content…

This is because in the present day setting, Christians are given the free exercise of religion and this right is forever allowed. Although there are some countries that persecute those who boldly profess Christ, many countries protect the freedom of religion which is usually enshrined in its Constitution. Christians should be grateful everyday to the Almighty God because His hand is surely upon the every nation across the globe. Hence, every day should be viewed as an opportunity to commit ourselves to Christ and learn to love Him more as we do our daily thing. Christians should not be torn between the government and God. When Christians choose to follow Christ and glorify Him, following the rules and regulations enacted by the government would just come

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