Separation of Church and State

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Separation of Church and State America is constantly evolving and redefining itself. We have come to the point where we are less inclined to criticize individuals that are different from us and more inclined to embrace eachother’s eccentricities. Those who oppose a separation between church and state claim that because this country was founded on religious principles, our government should continue to base its laws on Christianity. An article entitled, “Standing up for Church-State Separation in Difficult Times,” states that, “Religious Right groups are crowing and insisting that they have some sort of mandated to make their repressive agenda the law of the land,” however, we no longer live in the 1700’s (13). Times are changing and America is no longer predominantly white, Christians. In order for America to remain the melting pot we are all so proud of, we must accommodate all beliefs. A separation between church and state is necessary if America wants to give all of its citizens their religious rights. The First Amendment gives its citizens the freedom of religion, not the freedom to only practice the beliefs instated by Christianity: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” (Amendment I, The Constitution of the United States of America) Although this amendment does not specifically state that the government can have no religious influence, it does state that no citizen’s religious practices should be regulated by the government. ... ... middle of paper ... ...First Amendment right of religious freedom applies not only to white, Christians, but to all ethnicities and religions. In no way has the government limited anybody’s religious opportunities. Instead, the government has given all citizens the opportunity to practice their beliefs without worry or pressures coming from one religiously dominant group. America must change with time and continue to improve with regards to its various inhabitants. Works Cited “Faith Groups Vow to Guard Church-State Separation.” National Catholic Reporter 7 Feb. 2003: 6. Jefferson, Thomas, et al. “The Constitution of the United States of America.” Amendment I. “Separation of Church and State Protects Both Secular and Religious Worlds.” Phi Delta Kappan Feb. 2000: 462. “Standing Up for Church-State Separation in Difficult Times.” Church and State Dec. 2002: 13.

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