Christian Worldview Research Paper

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What is a Judea Christian Worldview?
A Christian worldview is more than just a simple expression of one’s faith, it is the foundation of everything you say and do through the lens of a Biblical perspective. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Gen. 1:1) Now in the midst of all this creation, there was chaos. God knew that when creating the Heavens and the Earth that there would be chaos, yet He allows this chaos to happen to strengthen Christians in their day to day lives. Those Christians may question God why He allows things to happen like that, and they may get angry with God. God is one and incomprehensible and Christians have to understand that just because God gives them bumps in the road, that it does not mean …show more content…

Christianity is divided into major Sects, two of which are named Roman Catholic and Protestant. Both of these Sects worship the same God but their principles of faith are different. Their understanding of the Bible differs in ways such as the Catholics study the Holy Bible but also, they are additionally bound by the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. Whereas, Protestants say that Luther made it be known that the Holy Bible was God's only word, in which He provided His revelations to the people and which allows them to enter in communion with Him. Protestants also believe that the Pope contradicts statements in the Bible, and the Catholic church sees the Pope as a successor from the Apostle Peter. Although, these two Sects of Christianity may have a lot of differences the main thing is that they worship the same God. Unlike someone who may practice Buddhism. A Buddhist is someone who practices and worships the teachings of a man called Buddha. They believe in the power of meditation, instead of the power of prayer like Christians. Christians believe in an afterlife in either Heaven or Hell, based on your salvation. Buddhism emphasizes the endless cycle of birth and rebirth and the idea of reincarnation. Speaking of salvation, Christians believe that in order to be saved and reach Heaven, they must confess their sins and accept Jesus as their Savior in their hearts. Buddhist believe you must work for your salvation and it may take many lifetimes to achieve it. A Buddhist believes that belief in the Buddha is not enough, the seeker has to experience nirvana for himself. There are many other differences between these two religions, but it would go on for many pages if listed. Both of the religions taught its followers to love and be compassionate toward others. Maybe not in the same way, but in the end, it came down to the fact that people needed to live an ethical and loving life. That is

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