Christian Beliefs about Euthanasia

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Christian Beliefs about Euthanasia

Euthanasia is the practice of helping people who are seriously ill and

in intolerable pain to die, either at their own request or by others

deciding to take away life support. I will be looking at voluntary

Euthanasia, where a terminally ill person asks for help from a doctor,

relative or a friend to die with dignity. There are other names for

voluntary Euthanasia and these include assisted suicide, mercy

killing, and easy or gentle death.

I will be discussing the beliefs of Christians on the issue of

Euthanasia. In order to do this, I will be looking at the Old

Testament and the New Testament exploring the actions of Jesus.

Euthanasia is illegal in Britain. All Christians believe that life is

sacred. Overall, Christians are against Euthanasia. The belief of

Christians is informed by the teaching of the church as well as

Biblical texts from the old and new testaments. The fundamental

Christians principle is the love known as Agape. This is Christian

love and involves acts of forgiveness, compassion, tolerance,

selflessness and kindness.

Though there is no mention of Euthanasia in the bible, there are still

some texts in the Bible which we can refer to with the issue of

Euthanasia. The Old Testament includes the Ten Commandments and Exodus

20:13, one of the commandments, ‘You shall not kill’. As all

Christians are obliged to follow God’s Ten Commandments, there should

be no exceptions.

Genesis sets the scene for the whole bible. We see that our life is a

gift from God. Genesis 1: 27 say, ‘God created man in the image of

himself.’ If we are all created in the image of God, then that makes

us all equal. That means that a terminally ill person’s life is no

less than that of a healthy person.

Psalm 139:13 says ‘You created my inmost self, knit me together in my

mother’s womb.’ This shows that we belong to God and therefore, our

lives are equally important to God.

The New Testament includes the two greatest commandments that Jesus

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