Compare And Contrast Buddhism Views On Euthanasia

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Buddhist teachings and worship are what influence an adherent and the Buddhist community to change their lifestyles as they further understand the Buddhism way of life and its teachings. The buddhist method of communicating its messages includes the Buddhist views on Bioethics, Laws of Buddhism that promote influential change through the temple Puja, and the role of the Tibetan Buddhist leader the Dalai lama. Buddhist ethics are based on the Buddhist guidelines which include the ten precepts and the four noble truth and the beliefs on reincarnation. Individual Buddhists interpret these specifications in contrary ways . An adherent may take this in an absolutist, utilitarian or value oriented approach to an ethical issue depending on the circumstances. Euthanasia is translated as assisted suicide, a painless death brought upon a …show more content…

As a result Buddhists believe that nobody should intervene to shorten a persons life, asked on his views on Euthanasia, the Dalai lama stated that the “Buddhists believed every life was precious and none more so than human life… I think its better to avoid it” ("What Are Buddhist Perspectives On Euthanasia And Physician-Assisted Suicide? - Euthanasia - Procon.Org". N.p., 2016. Web. 20 May 2016.) The Dalai lama is stating that although it is not the morally right thing to do, depending on the circumstances it may be the final option as it may be seen as an obligation to relieve suffering. For Buddhists, Euthanasia is seen as being more of a problem than abortion as the last moments of a person’s life is seen as being more important in determining a person’s next life. For this reason even giving a dying person large amounts of drugs can be seen as a problem. This is because the drugs can impair the person’s ability to think. This conflicts with the fifth precept with states that an adherent can not use intoxicated substances which many

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