Chris Mccandless The Wild Argumentative Essay

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Chris McCandless lived a life that can be examined in many different ways. He was an adventurer from the heart, and he didn’t want to conform to society’s views of how the world should be run and how each person should live their life. McCandless was able to stray from the normal progression of life, seen as going from graduating college to getting a 9-5 job and starting a family, by completely disappearing from his family’s life and trying to control his own life. In order to truly live life, one must be able to break free of the constricting confines of society, which control individuals and try to shape their life. There are so many adventurous people in this world who never give into their urges to explore the world simply because they …show more content…

McCandless believes that many people are unhappy with their life because they don’t think they can do this. In a letter written to Ronald Franz, Chris states, “so many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous within a man than a secure future” (Krakauer 57). This letter was sent to Franz to make him rethink how he had been living his life for many years. McCandless understood Franz well, and knew that he was extremely lonely and unhappy with his life. …show more content…

Franz doesn’t have the same physical abilities that McCandless does, as he is much older. Therefore, the idea of truly living life has the same baseline meaning of gaining happiness, but the way that a person can take hold of that happiness changes with age. Franz was 81 years old at the time of meeting McCandless, so he would have been unable to run off into Alaska like McCandless did. Instead, he was able to buy a GMC Duravan and live off the grid. In doing so, Franz was able to feel more meaning in his life, as he was doing more than just the same thing he had been doing for countless years, day after day, always knowing what tomorrow had in store. In short, the way that a person can truly live their life changes with age, but it always has the same

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