Children With Disabilities In Tom Parker's The Acorn People

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The book “The Acorn People” was written by Ron Jones and illustrated by Tom Parker. In 1976, a Banton Book Company published this book based off a true story. In “The Acorn People” one hundred and twenty disabled children went to a disability camp called Camp Wiggins. They didn’t let their disabilities take over by accomplishing different activities every day. These camper collected acorns to make acorn necklaces, hiked for six miles to reach the top of Look Out Mountain, learned how to cook, and created and filmed a play. I enjoyed this book and would recommend this book to other people/students to read. I believe this book displays that children with disabilities can accomplish anything they set their minds to. These children are a real inspiration. In reading this book, I realize some times we take things for granted that take less time or energy to complete. “The Acorn People” book takes place at a disability camp called Camp …show more content…

The two camp counselors stayed close to the five campers. Thomas and Aaron passed away one year later. Spider was killed in a car, a year later. Four years later, Martin passed away in a car accident. Benny B. was still alive. When Benny B. and Ron saw each other, Benny’s mom gave Ron a crumpled acorn necklace. She explained to him, he gave one to everyone Benny met. Reading “The Acorn People” for the third time, I really enjoyed this story and also understood it more. This story showed everyone that just because you have a disability doesn’t mean your life stops. They might have to work ten times harder but they can still do it. My favorite part of this book was when Mrs. Nelson took down the labels because it showed that she believes that they shouldn’t feel like they are labelled. This story makes me have mixed emotions. I feel extremely happy for them and all they have accomplished but then sad because it’s not fair to them that they have to live like

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