Childhood Family Dynamics

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Childhood family dynamics affecting the human psyche
Experiences during childhood shape someone into the adult they will one day become. Childhood is a crucial time for development, not only for the body, but for the brain and psyche as well. The smallest occurrences during this time have the possibility of having the largest effects in adult life. Children are highly impressionable, and are more likely to be influenced by events in their life than an adult would. Family dynamics-such as divorce, abuse, neglect, and family size- during childhood shape children into who they will become as adults. Childhood family dynamics greatly affect the development of the human psyche into adulthood. When a child’s parents divorce sadness is expected, …show more content…

Child abuse is a sore subject, but according to an Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, it is more common than most would like to admit, “Every year more than 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies involving more than 6.6 million children” . Across the world, children are constantly being mistreated, abused, and neglected. This leads to mental health problems not only later in life, but also as a child. Mental Health problems are not as common in children as they are in adults, making it difficult for other children to process their differences, only adding to their struggles. Child abuse can, and often does, go hand-in-hand with neglect. While neglect is not as physically harmful as abuse, it is equally, if not more, mentally damaging. The damage to a child’s psyche inflicted by neglect from family members can last for a lifetime. Children need the constant attention and nurturing from parent figures to ensure their mental well-being as they mature and grow. Without this care, children can spiral down a dangerous path as they become adults, carrying many

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