Childhood And Adulthood Essay

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Childhood & Adulthood
When I was a kid, I used to do so many fun things but also, I was fascinated by all the great things that adults could do. All those years passed by and I was growing up being more excited because I was getting close to be an adult. Now that I am an adult I wish I could be a kid again. It’s quite amazing how fast your opinion can change. All the activities that I can do now do not compare to even one day as being a child. I still enjoy being an adult and I still have a lot to experience. My life as a child and as an adult is different but still is similar in small ways. I would go in my neighbor yard and play with their dogs, go to my cousin house and play all day long, go to my aunt closet and try her dresses and play …show more content…

Adults have other motivational factors for learning than children do. There are so many important aspects now the I am the adult. My self-independence, I am independent of my parents, I am my own caretaker, decided what I want to dress and eat, I do not to go to boring events anymore, I can drive now, so when I want to go somewhere I do, my mother does not tell me to eat all my vegetables anymore, I can eat a big bowl of ice cream without my mother being afraid to take to emergency room, no more curfews I take my own decisions. But with adulthood come hundreds of new responsibilities and duties. I must get up every morning and go to my job, made sure I am on time if not I will get fired and get financially unstable. I should be responsible for my duties at work, be responsible to assume the consequences of my actions and cope with the stress of work and finances behind. Being adults mean that you have experience that you know your identity, who you are as person or still working on it. I do not want to be like everyone else. I know my identity I do not want to be like all those crazy actresses on television, but I still sharpening to improve

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