Child Labour Persuasive Speech

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Purpose: Why there should be more enforcement on preventing child labor.

I reminisce about the young days when I was a child. How I would feel as though the world would end, each time if I didn’t get the barbie that mum assured me we would get the next time. Resulting in me crying in the outlet making a fool out of mum. Begging, scratching and holding onto her leg literally dragging her back to where the barbie aisle was located and practically forcing her to buy it. Ha! The worry I felt when I was a kid.

Never would I have thought of who made it, was it made by children my age chained by the ankles. Forced to look at the torturous object that would not bring happiness to them but bruised fingers and sore backs. Locked up in dark isolated rooms held captive and enduring each day with abuse.

Dark, cold, alone, isolated, trembling fingers, ghostly pale faces mirroring you. This is the reality for children across the world who have become accustomed to their circumstances. They've learnt to surrender their lives to the abusive stranger after tattooing into their minds that there is no savior. Without realising the threat left upon their lives. This is the emotional state these children are left in from the harassment. Their self assurance dissipating day by day. Their minds filled …show more content…

Then why is it that nobody listens when these children's futures are at risk. Help bringing child labor to an end will ensure that every child will have a better future ahead of them. I believe in this because instead of children focusing on the work ahead of them they will center themselves towards education. This will help them break their cycle of poverty so they won't have to force themselves to work as they can gain better qualifications to get higher paying jobs. The education will also mean that the future generations of the family will not be forced into the same work as now they will have elders that will know what is right for

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