Child Labor Is Dangerous

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Child Labor
“Child labor is any work done by children that is dangerous, keeps them from getting an education, and is harmful to their health and development,” (Safeshare). Children in child labor are constantly risking their lives. Many children who work, work in fields that are not healthfully safe. However, in order to live our everyday lives these jobs are necessary because some of our everyday materials are extracted by children. Child labor is dangerous because children are being poisoned: infected with nicotine and pesticides, and they are being mistreated to the point where they die.
To begin, child labor is dangerous because children are getting mercury poisoning. In the article, Opinion: The fight against child labor abuses in mining, …show more content…

In an article, Child workers are getting sick while harvesting tobacco on U.S. farms, it explains the downside of working on tobacco farms, “According to a report released Wednesday, children as young as 7 are working long hours in tobacco fields. They are toiling under sometimes hazardous and sweltering conditions. The tobacco leaves they harvest are laced with nicotine and pesticides… " Farming "is hard work anyway, but children working on tobacco farms get so sick that they throw up." Child workers "get covered by pesticides and have no real protective gear."... Children interviewed by the group reported vomiting, feeling nauseous and headaches while working on tobacco farms. Their symptoms suggest a type of nicotine poisoning called Green Tobacco Sickness… The children also said they worked long hours — often in extreme heat — without overtime pay or sufficient breaks. They said they wore no, or inadequate, protective gear. U.S. agriculture labor laws allow children to work longer hours at younger ages and in more hazardous conditions than children in any other industry… Garcia said kids should primarily focus on school and shouldn't be in the fields: "That's not a place for children," he said.” (Associated Press). This selection of quotes give evidence from the article that, children are not only working at a very young age, but they are also working in conditions that make them extremely sick- harming their health- and keep them away from their education, both of these effects will cause extreme problems in their lives when they grow

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