Child Labor In Bangladesh Essay

725 Words2 Pages

Megan Kosten
History 5.0
13 April 2014
Child Labor in Bangladesh

Child labor has continued to be an ongoing problem in Bangladesh. There are many reasons for child labor, however, the top three reasons are because childrens’ families need money to buy food, they need money to buy clothing, and most of their parents lived in horrible shantytowns. Since these children's’ parents lived in such harsh conditions, they did not want their children living with them under these circumstances. These children are poor, which means they have no source of income to buy food or clothing. If children did not work in Bangladesh, They would starve to death.
One of the reasons for child labor in Bangladesh is that children must work to support their families to raise money for food. Child labor in Bangladesh can come off in different vibes to different types of people. Some people may think that child labor is terrible, however, if children did not work they would starve to death. They need to work to survive on their own (Seabrook, Jeremy. New Internationalists, Sept. 2009) Bangladesh is considered one of the most vulnerable spots on the global market, a product of desperate poverty here and the demand of cheap labor elsewhere (Sengupta, Somni. New York Times, April 2002), which is why children work, because they can get paid less. It is normal for them to get a low income.
Another reason for child labor in Bangladesh is that they need to have their children work so that they can make clothing for themselves and others. Boys as young as four or five years old are put to work as camel jockeys (working with camels for other people in races), which shows how badly they need money to provide for themselves (Sengupta, Somni. New Yo...

... middle of paper ... do not have very luxurious lives, due to their parents living and working conditions. This causes them to have to work a great amount to be able to provide for themselves, because their parents and guardians cannot provide for them.
Child labor is an appalling struggle in Bangladesh. The child labor in Bangladesh today is very comparable to the child labor that occurred in Britain in the 19th century (Brennan, Deirdre. Journal of International Affairs, 2001).Young children may have to work in sweatshops, clothing mills, and as camel jockeys just to support them and their families. Children may have to work at food mills to provide food for themselves and other people as well. Their families live in such harsh conditions, that they cannot even provide for their children. Child labor may be horrifying in some peoples eyes, but in others, it is their way of life.

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