Child Development: The Definition Of Human Development

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What is the definition of human development? Human development is the process of enlarging people’s freedom and opportunities, to improve their well-being. Children are like aliens to our world, knowing nothing about our world or what it has to offer. In this essay I discuss how children develop using and comparing 4 types of developments: cognitive development, social development, psychological and psychosexual development. Along with those developments there are theories like psychoanalytical and psychosocial theories. I will be comparing two different age groups to show the developments and compare how different those developments and theories are between the ages 0-7. Cognitive development is defined as a field of study in neuroscience …show more content…

Sensory-motor is when a child has no understanding of the past or future. The children only care about what’s happening around them at the present. They are very egocentric at this stage and everything is a new discovery. At this stage children rely on three man senses: hearing, sight, and touch. If an object is out of sight or hidden a child will think that it doesn’t exist anymore which is also known as object permanence. As evidence two psychologists Bower and Wishart, (1972), placed several infrared cameras in a child’s room to observe and find out what would happen when an object disappears. They waited for the infant to reach for an object and then turned out the lights. The results were that the child continued to reach for the object up to 90 seconds after the object disappeared. After Piaget’s experiment we now know that infants will keep searching for the missing object, and he will not be looking for it even if a little part of it is shown. The item of search must be fully recognizable for him to search for it. Usually, at the age of 6-7 months child will recognize a nearly visible object and as for 8 months old child they will determinately search for an hidden object. This kind of realization is called, ‘Object

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