Child Care Observation

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As the child of immigrants coming from an island where social structure is strict and gender plays a big role in determining what a child does and grows up to be, I spent a lot of my childhood looking after others. As a female I followed what my mother did, and what her mother spent her days doing before her. This passing of tradition meant getting up before the men did, to prepare myself and make sure I looked presentable, braids done and skirt dirt and wrinkle free. Then I would hurry to the kitchen to help prepare breakfast, as breakfast would always be set on the table strictly at 9 a.m.. Then chores would be done in between lunch and dinner- the mopping of the floors, picking through and cleaning of grains, and putting recently hand washed clothes on the clothing lines that were always a bit too high for my reach. These were not the most enjoyable …show more content…

The only task I could find myself pushing myself to be prepared to do with the utmost care was looking after those younger than me. There was a satisfaction in looking over those smaller than you, unaware of how to take care of themselves that I was only acutely aware of. Feeding, washing, making sure they are happy and smiling, and most importantly constantly learning and exploring is a joy most only first experience when they have their own child. But the older sisters and cousins were the ones in charge where I grew up, and I know how endearing and indebt I am to those who cared after me when I was unable to watch over myself. These times only took up a portion of my childhood, from a few weeks after I was born and taken on a plane to the Dominican Republic to grow up among my familiars, to around five

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