Chewing Gum Research Paper

1964 Words4 Pages

Chewing Gum
Just the act of chewing bubble gum can help a person focus better because there is something therapeutic and meditative about it. Chewing gum can actually help increase memory power reflected by the studies that have shown that students who did it scored 35% higher than the ones who did not. This is because the act of chewing requires you to concentrate longer and chewing for at least 10-15 minutes per day will help improve your performance. Some studies suggest that participants who did not chew gum did better in the beginning, but the gum chewers surpassed them in the end. Chewing gum increases blood flow to the brain, which helps release stress and anxiety. So the next time your teacher or boss tells you to stop chewing gum, tell them that it benefits you, without risking getting kicked out of the class or fired.
The bad thing about chewing gum is that if someone catches you, then you could get into trouble. Gum chewing is restricted in most classes, libraries and workstations so if you can sneak in and chew some gum and get away with it, make sure to …show more content…

Working longer hours to make sure that we get more money will get us just that, but working harder and smarter will ensure a raise. Sure enough, you can procrastinate and copy from other people, but in the end you will only get a C grade, however, if you want an A, you have to work hard at it. There was a young woman who attended Kenwood Academy in Chicago. She had a 5.1 GPA and got accepted into 26 colleges, 6 Ivy league schools, and received over 8 million dollars in scholarships. So, as you can see, you have to work hard and smart to reach goals. When you work longer hours, you will run out of energy, and yes, your mind starts wandering off into space, but you have to keep going at it. Push yourself beyond limits. Your brain needs to revolve around the idea of working harder and smarter

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