Chevy Commercial Analysis

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The Chevy puppy commercial is one that grabbed the heart of many across the nation. This tear-jerking 2014 commercial called Maddie was a viral car commercial that had people attached to the dog in the commercial that has an interesting timeline. The commercial starts at the end of the dog’s life and works its way backwards watching the dog get younger all while addressing common events that happen in everyone’s lives. This essay, while not perfect, does complete the job of that a car commercial must complete. The overall goal for car commercials is to make sure that the audience can remember the next time that they go out to buy a car, that for example, Chevy is in the forefront of their mind. Chevy does a great job by doing this through their use of pathos. However, they lack a logical part of the …show more content…

While the logical part of the commercial was quite lacking, the praxis of the video is very strong and a part of why the commercial was so successful. The commercial is very unique in how it starts from the end and moves forward. They show the dog laying on its side signifying that Maddie has a few days to live and this scene hooks all the audience members. Chevy uses the attention that is made from the dog to expand into the strong pathos that each person can relate to. These scenes include birthdays, break-ups, learning how to drive, and finding and losing friends. Each of these have a This commercial relied strongly on the connection between the audience and the dog in the video. This is one of the ways that it was very effective to use the dog, but some people believed that the commercial was all about the dog and it took away from the actual meaning of the

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