A Rhetorical Analysis Essay On The 2014 Chevy

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The 2014 Chevy commercial is filled with pathos. This commercial is about a girl and her dog, Maddie. The commercial starts with Maddie and her owner at the vet’s office. As the commercial goes on we see how Maddie ended up with her owner and the life they had together. The Chevy commercial connects with viewers emotionally by utilizing nostalgia, the constant presence of Maddie in the woman’s life, and the sadness of the impending death of Maddie. The very first trigger that is in the commercial is in the first eight seconds. In the beginning the woman is with her old dog in a vets’ office. The woman is stoking her dog while looking somber. By deductive reasoning one can understand that this means the dog will be euthanized soon. The impending death of this woman’s beloved dog appeals to one’s pathos. People will be able to feel sympathy and or empathy with what this woman is going through by putting her dog down. Depending on if someone has been in this woman’s shoes before and understands the pain she is going through, will determine if one feels empathy, sympathy, or both. …show more content…

The viewer will see how constant Maddie has been throughout the woman’s life. Maddie was with the woman for all of the good times and the bad times. Maddie was in this woman’s biggest and happiest occasions, including the woman’s graduation. This trigger is effective because people with animals know the estimated life span of that animal. The woman got Maddie when she was younger. The woman knew she would have Maddie in her life while she grew up. When the woman got older she would realize that she would outlive the dog. The commercial uses people’s natural tendencies to nurture and love pets and peoples need for companionship to draw

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