Chesapeake Bay Research Paper

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The Chesapeake bay is a home to millions of people and animals. The Chesapeake Bay holds more than 15 trillion gallons of water,also supports 348 species of finfish and 173 species of shellfish, and produces more than 500 million pounds of seafood harvest each year.The Chesapeake Bay watershed spans more than 64,000 square miles.Watersheds are sometimes called “basins” or “drainage basins,home to over 17 million people.The Chesapeake Bay is 165759.24 in square km’. The Chesapeake Bay watershed 2000 years ago was much more healthier than it is now. They had maple, oak,hickory, and beech, and evergreens, hemlock, spruce, and fir plants.The Chesapeake Bay also had many different types of animals.The Bay's waters are dominated by oysters, clams …show more content…

Streams and rivers are connected to the Chesapeake Bay and the Chesapeake Bay is connected to the Atlantic ocean. So whatever you put in the streams and rivers such as trash, waste, will go into the Chesapeake Bay and eventually go into the Atlantic ocean. Which can cause major big problems. The Chesapeake Bay needs help. The Bay continues to have polluted water, low populations of many fish and shellfish species. The Bay’s animals are dieing off because of our failure to stop polluting the waters,littering, and polluting the air. There are three major effects that the health of the Bay are having on, which are animals, plants, and humans. Animals are one of the three major effects because more and more animals are being eaten more than they could eat/produce. Plants are also one of the three major effects because there is still a net loss of half of a million acres over the last 15 years. Humans are also one of the three major effects because humans have polluted water,and risks to human health. On the other hand humans have played a role in helping change the health of the Bay. For example maintaining the forests that absorb airborne pollutants and also having power plants to reduce the airpullution across the watershed. Another example would be that groups/agencies are involved in protecting the bay. They are called Federal Agencies.These agencies that protect the bay are motivated by how many people die

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