Chemotherapy Essay

800 Words2 Pages

Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to cure cancer. Chemotherapy is also known as “chemo”. The term for chemo came from the German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich around the year 1900. He came up with the term when he was examining aniline dyes and arsenicals as possible treatments for diseases such as syphilis. He envisioned “magic bullets” that would be able to target invading organisms but still leave the host unscathed. This goal has been providing therapeutic benefits without many side effects in all areas of drug development. There has been a lot of success with compounds that modulate normal biochemistry within the body.

Chemotherapy is used for many different things. Chemo can be used to keep cancer from spreading, slow the cancers growth, kill cancer cells that have already spread to other parts of the body, relieve symptoms such as pain that is caused by cancer, shrink tumors, and of course to cure cancer. Chemo can be given in many different ways. It can be given as an injection, through an IV, topically, directly into the body cavity, and orally. Oral chemotherapy is given in the form of a liquid, tablet, or capsule that you swallow. Oral chemo is not as strong as other forms but can work just as well. Chemo given through an IV is the most common.

The side effects brought on by chemotherapy are very harsh on the body. These side effects occur because the chemo agents are poisonous and cancer cells and normal cells are very similar so it is very difficult to leave normal cells unharmed causing the patient to experience side effects while undergoing chemo. These side effects can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, mouth sores, skin changes, and low blood counts. These side effects don't...

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...his is also part of a series called pharmacodynamics. This includes both the positive and negative changes brought on by a drug. This study is important because when a drug is administered it must reach the target in the organism before it is excreted or altered by the detoxifying enzymes in the body. Most of these enzymes are located in the liver. Results from these tests have allowed for synthesis of new drugs with better chemistries, distributions, and toxicity profiles.

Specificity is a common thing in the chemo world. There have been many drugs that have shown specificity for certain tumors. Knowing why a drug shows specificity isn’t usually obvious. The specificity of a given drug is usually found by trial and error. They still don't know why exactly specificity occurs but it appears to result from the different biochemistries of cancer cells.

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