Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

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Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White

Fern convinced her dad not to kill the runt pig and he gave it to her to take care of. She named him Wilbur. Wilbur was getting bigger and bigger and eating more and more. He had to be sold so Fern called her aunt and uncle the Zuckermans.

The goose told Wilbur that there was a loose board in his pen. He escaped but he got tired, hungry and afraid. Uncle Homer lured him back to his pen with food. Wilbur had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day because it was raining and his plans got ruined. He started to cry, but then he heard a soft friendly voice. The voice said, "Salutations!" At first he didn’t know who said it. Then he saw a large gray spider waving at him. It was Charlotte.

It is summer and school is out for Fern and Avery. The goslin...

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