How The Snake Got Poison By Zora Neale Hurston

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Mark Twain and Zora Neale Hurston are two writers who have specialized in folktales and humor. Zora and Mark write from different perspectives. Zora writes about African American folklore, while Mark usually writes humor or social satire. How the Snake Got Poison and The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County contain two completely different subjects matters; however, the use of dialect to portray characters is what links these two stories together. In Zora’s story, the character speak with this certain dialect that accurately portrays how African Americans spoke back at this time. Such as “Snake, when Ah gave you dat poison, Ah didn’t mean for you to be hittin’ and killin’ everything dat shake de bush”. Looking at this most people would think this is not the proper way to talk. However, most African Americans were not educated and did not know how to speak properly. Zora portrays this accurately in the story, this gives the story that authentic feeling of being deep down in the south. On the other hand, Mark uses the western dialect in his story. The narrator is an educated man from the east, while on of the …show more content…

How The Snake Got Poison is told by a narrator” God thought it over for a while then he says…”. This an example of how the reader can understand how this is told by a narrator.The reader is able to get the thoughts of all characters. However, in The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, the story is told in a first person point of view.”I found Simon Wheeler dozing comfortably by the bar-room…”. Readers can get the thoughts of the narrator and they can also get the thoughts of Wheeler. Having his story told in first person, Mark gives the reader more information and background than Zora’s story. Zora’s story is short and simple, while Mark’s is complex and gives the reader something to think

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