Charge Nurse Role Analysis

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The charge nurse first start to organize their day by know which clients is she/he going to be responsible for the day, she will get report from previous shift about the client’s conditions. The charge nurse also go over the appointments that the clients have that day, or if any client have a special procedure like blood draw, this way she can plan accordingly and delegate if necessary. Once they know how many clients they are taking care of, they would use their past experiences and critical thinking knowledge to decide what client should be assessed first. Knowing the staff that is under her/his supervision, and know their scope of practice, is an important part of charge nurse, so delegation can be done appropriately and patient care can …show more content…

I now know that I need to know each client and their conditions, so I could make delegation accordingly. Time is other aspect I learned how to use, especially when there multiple activities to be done at same time, now I know that is important to know the staff that you are responsible for, and what they could or couldn’t do. I learned how important communication is between the staff, and also with the clients, they appreciate when we show a caring attitude for them. Medication safety was one thing that I was concerned about, knowing that someone other than me was giving meds to the clients made take extra measures such as double and triple checking along with the students that the 5 rights of medication administration was done. I also learned that I need to know ahead if there are new orders, or need a change in old ones, so when contacting the physician they have all the information. Something I was surprise is how the physician asked the nurse for new available treatments and if there any meds that they considered wasn’t doing much for the clients so it could be removed, this prove that we as nurses must be on top of new treatments that are approve for older adults, and do not leave that task just for physicians, they might see several …show more content…

To start knowing what to delegate and what you I do myself is one of them, time management I other skill that I need to improve, which I’m progressively learning during this rotation. Communication is an area that could do a lot of improvement, especially when there is a conflict among employees. In addition knowledge about elderly population and changes that happen with aging and what is not normal part of aging. This clinical rotation showed me that there always room for improvement, even though I still away from being a good charge nurse, this experience somehow prepared me for the future if I have to step up and assume this role as charge

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