Characteristics Of A First Kiss Essay

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The first kiss between two individuals is often a milestone in their relationship. It is fascinating however, that when operationally defined, most would describe this behaviour as fairly strange. In its simplest form, a first kiss is merely the first time an individual presses their lips against another human. The duration and location of this first kiss is very important when evaluating its context. For example, a long kiss performed on another person 's lips for the first time is common among future sexual partners, whereas a shorter first kisses directed towards another person 's cheek, is common among close friends and even sometimes family. Despite kissing being widely accepted as a means to display affection among most cultures, the …show more content…

A confident individual can be described simply as a person who has trust in themselves and in their own abilities. This trust, is a prerequisite for performing a first kiss for one simple reason, kissing is a two way street. In order to perform a kiss, the individual being kissed must consent. Despite the fact that gaining consent might seem simple at first, it is often hard to be certain whether compassionate feelings are being reciprocated. For this reason individuals often misinterpret the behaviour of others and are therefore rejected when trying to perform a first kiss. This rejection carries two extremely damaging properties that only a confident individual would be able to withstand. Firstly, being rejected is often very damaging to one’s self-esteem. The individual being rejected must come to the unsettling realization that their preceding assumptions were false, and that they are seen as unworthy in the eyes of someone they cared for. Consequently, only those who are confident enough to risk this rejection and in turn endure it’s painful effects can engage in a first kiss. The second harmful ramification of having a first kiss rejected is that rejection can often negatively modify or even end a relationship. As, previously stated, rejection often occurs when one individual in a relationship misinterprets the behaviour of the other, and assumes that their intense feelings are being reciprocated. When an individual realizes that these assumptions are false, they can often feel embarrassed or even ashamed. These discomforting emotions will often cause distance within the relationship and could result in a lose of the relationship all

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