Declarative Knowledge Essay

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Generally, knowledge is universal awareness or possession of information and gained trough experience or study. Knowledge brings humans to the successful epoch of creation and achievement. The deep study of knowledge conveys the new theories of wisdom that is metacognition. Metacognition or metacognitive is a study about thinking on what own’s thinking and managing or supervising their own learning (Fauzan, 2004, p. 2). In other research, Lai (2011) explained metacognitive as consciousness of someone thinking or responsiveness of one’s subject matter conceptions (p. 4). Overall, metacognition can be described as knowledge. In common, metacognition can be grouped into three major knowledge categories which are declarative, procedural and conditional …show more content…

The first type of metacognition awareness is declarative knowledge. Usually, information about facts derived from the past memory and containing a statement. In specifics, declarative memory considered as knowledge that is storage of facts and events. Ability to learn and knowingly to recall everyday facts and events also best hint to define declarative memory in specific. This knowledge require an individual capacity to store association in long term memory. This mean an individual capability to store relatives information must in single trial. Declarative knowledge is accurate information that is professed, spoken and recorded. According to (Berge & Hezewijk, 1999), declarative knowledge is considered to be memory that store information about facts and events. Sometimes this type of knowledge always know as semantic and episodic memory (Berge & Hezewijk, 1999). Semantic memory relating to meaning or the differences between meanings or words and symbols in human knowledge. Episodic memory are relating to resembling an episode and divided into composed of closely connected but independent …show more content…

Unlike declarative knowledge that focus on facts and events, procedural knowledge need learners to determine their performance steps in a processes. According to (Berge & Hezewijk, 1999), procedural memory is proposed as the scheme containing information in what manner to do things. This refers to knowledge specific focus skills, techniques and methods. In other research by (Hsiao & Chai, 2003), procedural memory associated to what human carry out. Memory also consist of the association between one set of environmental stimuli and brain motor that called stimulus response learning (p, 170). For example, ability to ride bikes, playing badminton, play video games and any other skills. This type of knowledge concerned with actual facts, real life and experience but not fretful with theory. Another research by Yalmaz and Yalcin (2012), declare that procedural knowledge shows how to carry out a task that is gain through some procedures in any directions and performed step-by-step (p, 50). Usually, many experiment are needed to acquire procedural knowledge, although one-trial learning does occur. These skills are hard to express vocally. The only way to show their presence is by means of performance (Berge & Hezewijk, 1999). For example, a method to balance a checkbook would be considered procedural knowledge because needs more attention and concentration when examine the content of the book. This require a

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