Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesia

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Retrograde and Anterograde Amnesia

"Darling, what did you say was Sue's number?"

"I don't remember stripping at Dan's birthday party last year!"

"No officer, I don't know what happened after the accident. I can't even remember my name."

Amnesia is the partial or complete loss of memory, most commonly is temporary and for only a short period of time. (1). There are various degrees of amnesia with the most commonly occurrence being either retrograde or anterograde amnesia. Prior to my research into this subject I did not know much about amnesia besides what is portrayed in the Disney movie Anesthesia in which Anesthesia cannot remember her traumatic childhood. While I recognize that there is a huge difference between forgetting what to pick up at the grocery store and not remembering the past ten years of ones life, what exactly is the difference between the later and the former?

While there are several classified types of amnesia I choose to focus on retrograde and anterograde amnesia, because these are most common. Retrograde amnesia refers to the inability to remember events before the brain damage occurs, and anterograde is the inability to remember events after the brain damage. (2). Okay, so now I know the difference. One you cannot remember your past. The other you cannot remember your present. Now, the question to be posed is how exactly do these two degrees differ in relation to the way the brain operates when confronted with the trauma?

Making and storing memories is a complex process involving many regions of the brain. (3). Most experts agree that we have two stages of memories - short-term memory and long-term memory. Short-term memory is the immediate memory we have when we first hear or perceive someth...

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... to that of a goldfish.

So while I may not comprehend the complexity to which the brain controls our thought process, I can grasp the concept of retrograde and anterograde amnesia. What I do not understand is where is the memory contained prior to the amnesiac patient being able to retrieve the information? Does it just sit their collecting dust until the mailman comes back from his lunch break?

WWW Sources

1)Mental Health, definition of amnesia.

2)Amnesia, description of retrograde and anterograde amnesia.

3)Question of The Day, lists types of amnesia and explains retrograde and anterograde amnesia.

4)Memory,explanation of memory.

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