Character Of Hester Prynne

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Hester Prynne is a beautiful Puritan woman that is forced to bear the scarlet letter. In Nathaniel Hawthorne 's, The Scarlet Letter, Hester 's sin of adultery causes her to become the most hated woman in her community. Hester 's secret lover, Dimmesdale, is a minister of the Puritan town, but is not condemned for the affair. Hester believes that her husband, Roger Chillingworth, is dead until he arrives at her public shaming. She is shamed and pushed away by the Puritan community of Boston. Because of her strength, humbleness, and loyalty, Hester Prynne single-handedly overcomes the struggle and hate of a Puritan society.
Throughout the entire novel, Hester Prynne remains strong amid all of the horrors she is put through. Although the women …show more content…

She knows the severity of her sin, and therefore welcomes her punishment without rebellion. When she stands on the scaffold with Pearl, Hester accepts "that one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another, [so] she took the baby on her arm... On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter A" (Hawthorne 50). She humbles herself by proudly displaying both of the symbols of her disgrace: the scarlet letter A, and Pearl, her sin-born daughter. Not only does Hester display her shame, but gives back to her community. She shows compassion toward the poor and sick of the Puritan town. Hester delivers food to the poor and helps the ill. Many people of the community begin to alter how they interpret the scarlet letter that the poor Hester is forced to wear. The townspeople discuss her claiming "Its is our Hester,-the town 's own Hester, who is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable to the afflicted!"(Hawthorne 147). The letter "A" that Hester bears on her chest begins to mean "able" instead of "adulterer." Even when Hester moves away, she refuses to stay away and returns to the town to serve her remaining punishment. The town is the home of her sin and the place of her penance. Hester isolates herself from the rest of the town and lives in solitude. Hester Prynne …show more content…

Hester remains loyal to Dimmesdale every time she is asked to reveal the name of her secret lover. She refuses to allow him to be punished as she has been punished. Hester is ordered to "[s]peak out the name!" of her partner in sin while she is shamed on the scaffold, but retains her loyalty to Dimmesdale exclaiming, "I will not speak!" (Hawthorne 64). Even through the pressure of countless eyes watching her, she prevails and keeps the secret of her lover. Hester also protects Dimmesdale 's name from Roger Chillingworth, her husband. Knowing that Chillingworth seeks revenge on her partner in sin, she refuses to speak his name. She wishes to verify that Dimmesdale remains safe by refusing anyone that asks for his name. Apart from Dimmesdale, Hester also shows loyalty to her husband, Roger Chillingworth. She takes a vow from Chillingworth and guarantees that she will not announce that he is her husband. Hester promises Chillingworth "Thou hast kept the secret of they paramour. Keep, likewise, mine!... Breathe not, to any human soul, that thou didst ever call me husband" (Hawthorne 71). He desires to continue unknown until he is capable of discovering her secret lover. She stays true to the vow until she begs for permission to break it and tell Dimmesdale of Chillingworth 's true

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