Character Analysis: Privilege By Ariana Osgood

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“He who tries to protect himself from deception is often cheated, even when most on his guard” (Plautus). This quote perfectly describes the life of Ariana Osgood, in the book Privilege by Kate Brian. Ariana uses her gift of analyzing people to prevent herself from being lied to or taken advantage of. Although she is especially cautious in her life, she often finds herself being used. She is merely a pawn in someone's game of chess. Even though Ariana has experienced this time and time again, she still continues to let others get close to her emotionally. Throughout all the secrets and lies, Ariana never truly learns how to protect herself from all of the deception surrounding her.

In life, sometimes what you see isn’t what you get. In every dark …show more content…

The small things are always what count in the end. Those small details, make the puzzle. It is often difficult to see past the hard shell that many people have put up to protect themselves. Ariana takes it upon herself to break down these walls, however, she doesn’t always like what she finds. For example, when Ariana is talking to a drunk Briana Leigh, she says something that makes Ariana’s ears tingle. Briana Leigh says that she killed her father. Ariana can’t believe she had been misled again. “Ariana’s fingers closed around her forearm as she fought the urge to vomit. She felt so abysmally stupid. What was wrong with her? How could she ever had doubted Kaitlynn?... Briana Leigh was evil.” (Brian 233). After realizing her mistake, Ariana can’t be sure of anything anymore. She tried her whole life to avoid being cheated, only to be lied to by multiple people she thought she could trust. Ariana can’t help but feel sick about her new found knowledge. Although she hates the news that she has, she uses it to her advantage and forms a new plan. Even though some news is hard to take, it is often more helpful than you think, and might just help you

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