Chapter Summary Of Ender's Game

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The chapter starts with a debate between Graff and General Pace. General Pace, chief of the I.F. military police, wants Graff to help defend Ender from Bonzo’s wrath. Graff, on the other hand, wants Ender to learn his own lesson and handle his own problems. Ender keeps training his army harder, learning new techniques. Bean learns more and more, teaching the army his discoveries. Petra gives warnings to Ender that he is in danger. Petra explains that people were planning to kill him. Ender goes to his room, finding a warning message by Dink. He is glad that Dink is his friend, and that he is not alone. Ender awakes at night, scared about Dink’s and Petra’s warnings.He then calms himself by knowing that the teachers are there to protect him.

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