Ceremonia's Symbols

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In a time long ago, there were 12 siblings. There were 6 boys and 6 girls. Their names were; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. They were each given a planet and a symbol when they turned of age to rule. Aries received the planet Mars and this symbol . Taurus received half of the planet Venus and this symbol. Gemini received half of the planet Mercury and this symbol . Cancer received the Moon circling Earth and this symbol . Leo received the Sun and this symbol . Virgo received the other half of the planet Mercury and this symbol . Libra received the other half of the planet Venus and this symbol . Scorpio received the planet Pluto and this symbol . Sagittarius received the planet Jupiter and …show more content…

Pisces received the planet Neptune and this symbol . So, each child went to there respective lands and lived in peace with each other. They each made their own country or countries to rule. On one day Scorpio decided to play a prank on Gemini. Suddenly every sibling was pranking each other, which later turned into war. Aries was fighting Libra, and Sagittarius in a very fierce war. Taurus was fighting Sagittarius, and Capricorn in a battle of the brains. Gemini was fighting Cancer, Scorpio, and Virgo very diligently. Cancer was fighting Gemini, and Virgo to gain respect. Leo was fighting Pisces, and Libra for pride. Virgo was fighting Cancer, and Gemini also for respect. Libra was fighting Leo, and Aries to beat the most prideful of the siblings. Scorpio was fighting Gemini to prove who is better prepared. Sagittarius was fighting Aries, and Taurus for their land. Capricorn was fighting Taurus, and Aquarius to prove who is smarter. Aquarius was fighting Capricorn, and Pisces to prove who is wiser. Pisces was fighting Aquarius, and Leo to prove her worth. These wars lasted years, but finally stopped after Gemini´s part of Mercury lost all three of his

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