Celie's Treatment Of White Women In The Color Purple By Alice Walker

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According to Alice Walker, writer of color purple, we can see that black women in a white society are suffering and having real issues dealing with their rights as humans, and they are defiantly not equal with white women when it comes to be treated. What I mean by black women in a white society is that black women in all over the world have less rights and less freedom compared to white women. However, it is true that women are less likely to be treated like men, black women are more likely to get harsh treatments and less freedom.For example, in the novel color purple, we can see the characteristic of Celie who is from a black society does not have power to control her life or even her own body. Her father hit and raped her and she could …show more content…

Celie is constantly subjected to abuse and told she is ugly. She went through a lot and her rights as black little girl was taken by his own father. As a girl she was suffering and going through a lot of dramatic situations that even when you imagine it, it is hard to believe that a young girl like her had gone through those tragic pains. She was the victim of being raped by her own father, and even the worst of it was taking away her children from her. Her father was really cruel that he made her not tell anybody about what she’s being through. She was a lonely girl with no close friend or even a family member. Therefore, she decides that the best she can do is to ensure her survival by making herself silent and invisible.Her sister Nettie was taken away from her long time ago, so she had no other one to talk to except God. God was the only person who she could say everything to without hesitating. According to Alice walker, “Celie’s letters to God are her only outlet and means of self-expression. To Celie, God is a distant figure, who she doubts cares about her concerns” (Walker). This means that her only way of maintaining her goodness was to write letters with no response to God in order to release or to take out the sadness and the misery in her body. By this we can say that black women in every part of the world are not equal to the white nations even in their own societies they are been the victims of rape and being enslaved by others just because they have different color

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