Lady Macbeth's Change

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‘The characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth change throughout the play’


People change in order to receive the results they want. In the play ‘Macbeth’ Shakespeare makes it evident to us that the characters Lady Macbeth and Macbeth explore a great deal of change. It is as early as Act 1 scene 3 that we see Macbeth first change and Act 1 scene 5 for Lady Macbeth. These acts make it evident to us, of how, why and the consequences of these characters changing. We view the changes of the noble soldier change into a man of greed and perverse decisions. And we see Lady Macbeth change from violence and insanity to eventually timid and insanity. Done

Body Para #1 Why they change?

My argument is Macbeth’s ambition was never to become king, …show more content…

Macbeth’s character begins with the idea of a loyal and noble hero. Throughout the play he tries to prove is masculinity, escape his guilt and please his beloved. This causes the character to loose himself and to make perverse decisions. Lady Macbeth’s violence is shown the most at the start of the play and we start to see a little of her insanity. Though it is not until the last Acts that we see Lady Macbeth turn into a shy but completely deranged human being. She changes from being an agitator, as she changes Macbeth from ”fair” to “foul”, to a person who let her guilt get to her and wants nothing more but to leave this world, quietly.

Body Para #3 Consequences of their change

Macbeth is not a thinker, so his powerful ambitions result in horrible consequences. He changed into a ruthless and powerful person, all for the acceptance of his wife and others. He believed that in order to achieve his wife’s goal he needed to transform himself into the evil natured person he became. He believed that he had to prove to his wife and himself, his masculinity. But is perverted idea of masculinity was killing his best friend Banquo, his beloved king Duncan and Macduff’s family. The consequence of these changes, was the downfall of his kingship and death. Lady Macbeth changed from violent and a little insane to timid and really insane. The change of her character was not handled well. She could

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