Celiac Disease

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Celiac disease is when the lining of the small intestine is damaged due to ingesting foods that contain gluten (WebMD, 2014). It is an autoimmune disorder which means, that the body attacks healthy cells and tissues by mistake. The body forms antibodies to gluten and this causes the attack on the small intestine. As a result, inflammation occurs and this damages the microvilli hairs within the small intestine (WebMD, 2014). Without villi, nutrients can no longer be absorbed. Gluten is a protein and is found in all grains except for corn and rice (Hoehn & Marieb, 2013, p.898). It is often found in foods such as anything with wheat, cookies, cakes, donuts, pizza, muffins, rye, and sometimes canned soups (Celiac Disease and Gluten sensitivity, 2014). Gluten can also be found in products. Medicines, lip balms, and vitamins are all products that gluten may be found in (NDDIC, 2012). As I explained, the small intestine is damaged as a result of celiac disease. The small intestine plays a big role in absorbing nutrients. Damage to the small intestine results in lack of nutrient absorption. Some of the nutrients included are fats, calcium, and iron (WebMD, 2014). This can become a serious issue and must not be left unattended. It can lead to the onset of other diseases such as neurological disorders, other immune disorders, and cancer (NFCA, 2014). Often times when one family member has celiac disease, other immediate family members have it as well. Celiac disease can affect anyone, no matter their age, race, or gender. About 1 in every 100 people has celiac disease (Hoehn & Marieb, 2013, p.898). This is equivalent to about 1% of the population nationally. There is no particular demographic group that is affected. Symptoms of celiac dis... ... middle of paper ... ...n and then all of a sudden it becomes a problem. It is important for one to access help if they suspect that they may have celiac disease. As explained, a gluten-free diet is the best approach to this disease. The sooner one seeks help, the better the outcome of treatment is. Not many people are affected by celiac disease and this is a good thing. If not treated properly, this disease can lead to other more life threatening diseases. There are many resources to help guide anyone who may have questions about the diet. Lots of books contain the necessary guidelines for a gluten-free diet. The treatment is simple and helps can help one drastically. Celiac disease should be taking seriously. One should also make sure that they are still getting enough nutrients because they are a necessary part of everyone’s diet. Celiac disease is a battle, but it is manageable.

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