Cause Of Teen Pregnancy

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What causes Teen Pregnancy? Many teens are not taught about methods of birth control and how to deal with peers who pressure them into having sex before they are ready. All around the world teens are getting pregnant. How can society prevent things like teen pregnancy and std’s in today’s youth?
There are many factors as to why teenagers become parents. One major reason is that kids don’t know how to buy the condoms that is why it is getting high; or are not educated on the hardship of being a teen parent. Three out of ten girls in the United States will become pregnant at least once before age of twenty. Daughters of teen mothers are three times more likely to become teen mothers themselves. Poverty is a huge reason for that happening. The poverty rate for children born to teenage mothers who never married and who did not graduate from the high school is 78% this is not compares to 9 of the children born to women over the age 20 who are currently married and did graduate from the high school. Two-thirds of families begun by young unmarried mothers are poor and 52 of all mothers on public assistance had their first child as a teenager.the cost benefit analysis suggests that the government could spend up to eight times more than the currently being spent on the teen pregnancy prevention and still on break even (
Safe sex is not practiced mainly because kids don’t take advantage of all the opportunities they’re given. For example, schools, clinics etc. give condoms and classes to help …show more content…

Sex education is the provision of the information about the body development, sex, sexuality, and relationship, along with the skills of building to help the young people communicate about and to make the informed decisions regarding sex. Sex education should occur throughout a student’s

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