Cause And Effect Of An Earthquake

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Earthquakes: How they happen and what to expect.

What is an Earthquake? Have you ever wondered how it starts and what causes it? Many people spend everyday studying this to find answers. In theory scientists do know that an earthquake is the shaking of the ground caused by sudden release of energy inside the earth's crust. This is also known to scientists as the breaking and moving of tectonic plates along a fault line, which than creates seismic waves at the epicenter. The earthquake has three different types of shocks that are usally felt. First one being a foreshock which happens in the same place as the larger earthquake, but scientists can not tell for sure if the quake felt is a foreshock until the larger quake happens. The …show more content…

Primary effects are usually a result of the ground shaking causing buildings to collaspe. This than results in the secondary effects which are usually tsunamis, fires due to gas lines rupturing, landslides and other catastophic events. Human life is impacted greatly by all of these as they leave us without homes and missing family members that might be trapped under rumble and debris. As if that wasn't bad enough earthquakes tend to casue tsunamis which destroy absolutely everything in their path. Nothing will stand a chance in the path of a tsunami as it's huge wave of destruction takes its course. Another disater would be a landslide which is often more desturctive than the earthquake itself. In Alaska, Turnagain Heights, an entire residential area was destroyed by a shock induced landslide. Many seimologists believe that earthquakes do not kill people, buildings do. They feel that during an earthquake the destruction of buildings and man made structures crashing down cause most of the deaths. Another devistating aftermath of an earthquake is the fires due to broken gas lines and electrical lines. During an earthquake gas is set free and the smallest spark will cause the biggest inferno. An example of this would be the great earthquake of 1906 in San Fransisco which caused 90% fire

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